Sac statement of principles

Adopted by the 33rd SAC Congress in 2022

1. Syndicalism is an international labor union movement. In Sweden, this movement is primarily represented by the Central Organization of Workers in Sweden (SAC).

This declaration of principles expresses SAC’s current approach and aspirations. The text will need to be adapted according to changes in Society and our  organization itself.

2. The SAC believes that labor unions have a dual function. In the short term, the labor union struggle shall lead to immediate improvements in living conditions: higher wages, reduced stress, shorter working hours, an end to sexual harassment, better work/life/family balance, etc.

In the long term, labor unions are tools to democratize workplaces and build equal social relationships. The production of goods and services shall be managed by those of us who do the work. Production must be transformed radically to adapt to human needs and the ecosystem.

3. The SAC’s democratic guiding principle is that everyone affected by decisions should have the right to influence them. By building member-driven labor unions, workers can develop the collective strength and competence to introduce employee-led workplaces in all sectors. The SAC believes that the only legitimate labor management is a management chosen by workers, which follows guidelines from the floor and can be removed from below.

4.  In each workplace with at least three union members, an workplace section can be formed. A workplace section is a local trade union for all occupations except managers. Our workplace sections are self-determining in local affairs and apply direct democracy. Syndicalists can also form cross-union groups for all employees except managers. Such groups can be supported by labor unions or act as an independent collaboration of fellow workers.

5. Syndicalists put the common interests of staff first. Syndicalists promote cross-union cohesion among all employees. The long-term aim of building workplace sections and cross-union co-operation is for the workers to run the economy.

6. The SAC sees direct action as the main means to change workplaces and society at large. Direct action is unmediated action by the workers themselves: strikes, blockades, picketing, work-to-rule, etc.

7. Democracy in the workplace means breaking down the concentration of economic power. The SAC’s long-term vision is that the concentration of political power in state  institutions will be dissolved. Power should be in the hands of the people. Just as every workplace should be run by its employees, every society should be run by the people.

8. Democracy in the workplace is a necessary condition for a classless society, but not a sufficient condition for a equal social relationships. Equal social relationships require the abolition of social hierarchies based on gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality and disability.

The SAC has a feminist and anti-racist perspective. This is a prerequisite for building labor union solidarity and ultimately introducing an equal social relationships.

9. The SAC is an organization for the entire working class. All workers except managers are welcome as members. The requirement for membership is that you respect  labor-union democracy, act in solidarity at work and respect the independence of the union from all religious and political organizations.

Anyone who is not employed in wage labor is also welcome as a member. In our class organization, all members are important, from the most active to the least active.

10. Syndicalists build a combative international labor union movement. Such a movement opens a historic opportunity to establish equal social relationships across the world. It is the realization of libertarian socialism. Our vision is nothing less than a world of free and equal people.